Good stress – Bad stress: Don’t let Spring begin with your head in the clouds: Join our free Zoom online seminar

The Whittier Health Network is happy to offer this recurring on-line presentation entitled: Spring Cleaning: Strategies to Lower Stress”. Take steps to reduce stress and its impact. Learn to be resilient and do not dread the Spring into Summer. Be a part of this zoom continuing education presentation and learn the steps you need to reduce the powerful impact of stress. “Learned resilience can be taught and leads to reduced stress and psychological hardiness rather than psychological weariness.” according to Leo Polizoti, Ph.D. Psychological weariness is a drain on personal coping and adaptation to situational stress. Join us here on April 23 at Whittier Rehabilitation Hospital for CME credited zoom presentation Contact Joanne Swidersky at 508-871-2134 to reserve a place at the zoom program.

Stress management plays a crucial role in maintaining both physical and mental health. We know that. Let’s explore the importance of stress management and how it positively impacts our well-being:

1. Reduced Blood Pressure: Chronic stress is linked to changes in blood pressure, which can lead to hypertension and increase the risk of heart disease. Learning stress management techniques can help lower blood pressure and improve overall physical health1.
2. Improved Mental Health: conditions like depression and anxiety are often associated with stress. Managing stress can enhance mood, performance, and reduce the risk of developing mental health issues1.
3. Heart Rate Regulation: Chronic stress can disrupt your heart rate and circadian rhythm. Effective stress management may lead to a healthier heart rate and mitigate heart disease risk1.
4. Better Sleep Quality: Stress affects sleep patterns, making it harder to fall asleep and stay asleep. Practicing stress-reduction techniques, especially before bedtime, can promote better sleep1.
5. Enhanced Resilience: Stress management helps your mind and body adapt, preventing constant high alertness. Over time, chronic stress can lead to serious health problems, so it’s essential to address it proactively2.
6. Physical Activity: Regular exercise is an effective stress management tool. Engaging in activities you enjoy, such as walking, dancing, or yoga, can boost fitness and reduce stress34.
7. Healthy Lifestyle Choices: Prioritize sleep (aim for at least 7 hours per day), maintain a plant-based diet, and stay socially connected, be aware of risk of alcohol and drug use. These lifestyle factors contribute to stress reduction and overall well-being5.

Remember, managing stress isn’t just about feeling better—it’s about safeguarding our long-term health and quality of life. 🌟

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